Dutch girls singing Desaku

Desaku yang kucinta, my beloved village ….. Many people in Indonesia grew up with this lovely children’s song. In this video you can watch Lucie and our lovely nieces Merle and Iris singing Desaku in the Dutch countryside. We were amazed how quickly they learned this song in a foreign language that was completely unknown to them.

To most people in Indonesia this song will surely bring back a lot of nice childhood memories. It reminds them of the place where they played as a young kid, where they felt happy, where time seemed to be endless, always being surrounded by the love of their family and friends. A place they have never forgotten and always will have a special place in their hearts.

It was a lot of fun for us to work together with Merle and Iris. Thanks a lot girls, terima kasih 🙂

Special thanks go to Lucie for her very large contribution to this video.

Comments 58

  1. Post
  2. Proud to be Indonesian when I open this site:) Especially this song reminds me back to years ago. I was born and grew up in a small village in Tana Toraja, Celebes/Sulawesi.
    And now, move to The Netherlands for studying. Hope to see you and of course sing some Indonesian songs with you somewhere in Holland:)

    Groeten uit Eindhoven

  3. ha ha ha…it’so charm
    The Young Dutch Girls had singing Desaku Yang Kucinta

    Even now Indonesian Kid didn’t understand this song 🙂

    I Appreciate it

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    @Anonymous Dankjewel 🙂

    @Sudarmadji, @denadnan, @ikiew ernest, @Gusti Dana, @Mudatsir
    Terima kasih 🙂

    @A.B. Naro Putra
    Thank you for your wonderful comment. It describes so well what this song is about. Quote: “Nice video, Meneer! Many Indonesian children today have forgotten this song. You have brought back my childhood memory. hartelijk dank..”

    @Fadlun Tonihawk Thank you, yes, it is a beautiful song.

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    Ik heb jouw zeer negatieve reactie gelezen. Ik zie aan jouw email adres dat je een Indonesische achternaam hebt. Vertaal het ook even letterlijk in het Indonesisch, dan kunnen andere Indonesiers het ook lezen. 😀

  7. Grof geschut hoor; je kinderen in zetten. Had een stel klompen en een boerenkiel erij niet leuk geweest? Bevestig je gelijk de vooroordelen van het blonde haar en de blauwe oogjes erboven.
    En nu mogen de Indonesiers dankbaar zijn dat mr Peter de moeite heeft genomen om iets van ons van 75 jaar geleden aan zijn blonde kindertjes te leren? Goed gedaan. Zo houd je de verschillen in
    stand en begeef je jezelf er mooi boven. Levert het nog wat op mr Peter?

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