Cintamu (nlpeter ft. lucie)

Cintamu (Your love) is the first Indonesian song that I composed myself. In the video I sing together with Lucie. I wrote this song early last year, when we were sitting in our garden under the cherry blossom tree, enjoying the first warm and nice days of spring. A clear blue sky, a little breeze, a blackbird singing, my smiling girlfriend nearby 🙂 ….. Lots of inspiration, a perfect moment to write this song.

We recorded the music video in the beautiful green scenery at one of our most favourite spots. We had lots of fun and often had to stop recording because we burst into laughter. Special thanks to the two cute white butterflies who were there at the right place at the right time. A wonderful gift and lovely to see!

I play all music instruments myself. We hope you will enjoy the video and the music. Maybe it is a nice gift for Valentine’s Day or another special occasion. You can find the lyric and the English translation below. There is a Mandarin Chinese translation as well.


Your Love

Cintamu adalah nafasku
Cintamu adalah warna hidupku
Tiada matahari tanpa senyummu
Tanpa dirimu tiada arti hidupku
Your love is my breath
Your love is the color of my life
There is no sunshine without your smile
Without you my life has no meaning
Waktu kita bersama ku rasa bahagia
Kita berjalan sampai ke ujung dunia
The moment we are together I feel happy
We’ll walk until the end of the world

Cintamu adalah hadiah untukku
Cintamu adalah hadiah untukku
Cintamu, semoga kita bersama selalu

Your love is a gift to me
Your love is a gift to me
Your love, let’s hope that we will be together forever
Your love

Matamu adalah cahayaku
Senyummu adalah inspirasiku
Tak bisa ku hidup tanpa dirimu
Tak pernah ku lupa waktu kita bertemu

Your eyes are my light
Your smile is my inspiration
I can not live without you
I’ll never forget the moment we met
Waktu kau mendekati ku rasa jantungku
Berdetak lebih kencang, ku cinta padamu    
The moment you approach I feel my heart
Beating faster, I love you

Cintamu in Mandarin Chinese

Our good friend Sheaufeng from Malaysia was touched by the way I express my love for Lucie in this song 🙂 . It inspired him to translate the lyric into Mandarin Chinese. Thank you so much Sheaufeng, we truly appreciate it 🙂 .

Some explanation about the translation: There are 2 translations for each line of the lyric. The first translation is in simplified Chinese character writing, which is used in mainland China and mostly overseas. The second translation is in traditional Chinese character writing, which is used in Taiwan and by older generations.


Cintamu adalah nafasku
你的爱是我的 呼_吸
你的愛是我的 呼_吸
Cintamu adalah warna hidupku
你的爱是我的 生命中色彩
你的愛是我的 生命中色彩
Tiada matahari tanpa senyummu
没有你的笑容 就没了阳光
沒有你的笑容 就沒了陽光
Tanpa dirimu tiada arti hidupku

Waktu kita bersama ku rasa bahagia
当我们处在一起 我倍感幸福
當我們處在一起 我倍感幸福
Kita berjalan sampai ke ujung dunia
让我们 一起 走到 那世界的尽头
讓我們 一起 走到 那世界的盡頭

Cintamu adalah hadiah untukku
你的爱 是给予我最好的礼物
你的愛 是給予我最好的禮物
Cintamu adalah hadiah untukku
你的爱 是给予我最好的礼物
你的愛 是給予我最好的禮物
Cintamu, semoga kita bersama selalu
你的爱,祈_望我们能_够 长相_依
你的愛,祈_望我們能_夠 長相_依

Matamu adalah cahayaku
你的眼睛是我 的 光_明
你的眼睛是我 的 光_明
Senyummu adalah inspirasiku
你的笑容是_ 我的灵_感
你的笑容是_ 我的靈_感
Tak bisa ku hidup tanpa dirimu
没有你我无法 再 存_活
沒有你我無法 再 存_活
Tak pernah ku lupa waktu kita bertemu
永不会_忘记 我们当年相遇时
永不會_忘記 我們當年相遇時

Waktu kau mendekati ku rasa jantungku
每当你_一靠_近 我感到我的心
每當你_一靠_近 我感到我的心
Berdetak lebih kencang, ku cinta padamu

Comments 41

  1. beautiful song ,beautiful voice , beautiful couples , beautiful scenery , Good Job Peter & Lucie , I love it!!

  2. goede dag…wow i like that 😀 hebat om,perfect!…om nyanyiin lagu2 ciptaan saya donk hehe kebetulan my girlfriend from eindhoven,kalo mau nanti saya kirimin recordnya ke email om untuk di dengar dahulu:D

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