Kisah Kasih di Sekolah (Chrisye)

This song was composed by Obbie Messakh. It is about “those good old school days”. It creates a sense of nostalgia and romance. For me it has a slightly different meaning. It does remind me of my trips in Indonesia where I was often approached by friendly school kids, shouting “Hello Mister!!”.

The photographs in the video are part of my personal travel-photo collection. They were taken in Sulawesi (Tanah Torajah), Malaysia (Penang), Pacitan (East-Java) and Pangandaran (West-Java).

Comments 20

  1. Post
  2. your voice is good… no body can sing like you nlpeter…
    you can speak indonesia…
    apa kabar??? keep singing 😯

  3. man,,your good !
    your vid Kisah Kasih di Sekolah, is so touching.
    and yes it reminds me of my childhood.
    go on, sir ! 😀

  4. Mr i wanna request Malam Biru – Sandy Sondoro ..
    such a great song … but .. dunno if the song doesn’t match with your beauty voice ^^ 😀 😀

  5. just PERFECT !! I like you SO MUCH meneer !! your voice makes me fly to the heaven !! hahaha .. nice ! great !!! 😀

  6. Post

    @Abang: ya saya tahu lagu Lirih, belum ada rencana untuk remakenya, there are so many songs to choose from.
    Terima kasih atas rekues.

    @Dwi R: Betul, lagu ini asli dinyanyikan oleh Obie Mesakih.
    The version of Chrisye is a cover, and my version is based on the Chrisye version.
    So I have made a cover of a cover. 🙂

  7. Hi Peter,
    I love your peformance! But,
    bukankah ini lagu yang pertama kali dinyanyikan oleh Obie Mesakh?
    However, I dont know if the writer and music arrangement is created by Chrisye? Betul ga, Abang?
    Correct me if I’m wrong..
    Anyway, this is wonderful!

  8. ternyata lancar bahasa indonesianya..hahaha
    peter..tau lagunya Chrisye yang terakhir judulnya ‘Lirih’??
    Lagu itu sebetulnya ditulis thn.1997..tetapi blm smpat dirilis,akhirnya 2008 kmarin lagu itu dirilis untuk mengenang Chrisye..
    kalau bisa tolong di remake oleh peter..thats must be great !!

  9. Post

    @pikoo Terima kasih

    @Abang: Thanks, I know a lot about Chrisye, I have the trilogy. Take a look at my other posts or search for Chrisye on my blog, you will find the answer.

  10. This is a beautiful song from chrisye..he is a legendary singer in Indonesia,i’ll never forget this song..this is did a great job do you know about this song??

  11. Post

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