Karena Ku Tahu Engkau Begitu (Andre Hehanusa)

I discovered this song on YouTube. Please enjoy my cover version.

Comments 36

  1. keren banget sir,
    you are really amazing 😀
    sir, please make a guitar lesson for this song 🙁
    with slowly and a true chord 😀
    thx before sir
    love u paman Uncle 😀

  2. i like u b’coz u are clever,creative,talented,genius,simple,character,low profile,personality and u really love music as apart of your life u make it happening till the end.Music is the compulsory deasert in your daily life and i veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy appreciate and make me satisfy and your music style is my inspiration and icon for me to follow your step.
    me musician
    azliatalib 😀

  3. salut buat pak peter, thxs so much..
    kunjungi padang juga dong pak, di bukittinggi begitu banyak sisa-sisa peninggalan bangsa belanda.

  4. i ask u to sing “empat mata”from D’BAGINDAS BAND,,,its gonna be the funniest cover ever,,,bcos no ‘bule’ hav ever sing DANDUT,,, :mrgreen:

  5. this is just like our(indonesian people) best honour ,,,thank for singing our songs,,i hope u keep singing for us,,, 😆

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