Jangan Menyerah (d’Masiv)

Jangan Menyerah is a beautiful song by the Indonesian band d’Masiv. Jangan Menyerah means “don’t give up” or “don’t surrender”. The band has produced a video clip with beautiful images of life in Indonesia, inspired by a true story of a friend.

In this song I play 4 acoustic guitar tracks. Being inspired by the original video clip of d’Massiv, I have added photos of people that I met during my travels in Indonesia.

Comments 72

  1. waw waw, keren, saya smpet rajin lagi blj gitar krna ngeliat video sampean yg hebat2… You’re so jenius for me, keep play the beautiful rhythm !! hey do u know Mbah Surip ?? hhee… I Love U Full Indonesia

  2. It’s a great song that inspired everyone for doing the best thing on their life. This song should motivate everybody, whatever their job and their problems, they should decide to be happy..
    Terima kasih D’Massive & Peter! 😀

  3. I love your voice.

    like a marshmallow.
    So sweet, so smooth, so soft..

    in this song I feel it deep..

    I wish you the best..


  4. leuk om te luisteren je met dat lied, zo verbazingwekkend Nederlandse man houdt van Indonesische muziek .. houden de beste .. 😀

  5. This is a really heart-moving song, and you sang it quite beautifully. It would be great if you could share the chords or tabs so that other people could sing and share the powerful message the song brings!

    Thanks and Geef nooit op!! 😀

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  8. Excelent mister….
    2 mother finger for u….
    But, i have some wish
    can u show me d’tablature
    cause im amateur… 😉
    thanx b4

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