Protecting Indonesia’s street children

“Indonesian authorities have launched a campaign to protect thousands of children who live on the streets of the capital Jakarta. The move follows one man’s admission that he raped, murdered and mutilated at least 10 street kids. Officials are concerned that many more children may have been his victims.”

Let’s hope that the Indonesian authorities will be able to protect their child citizens. In the video the kids sing the song Jangan Menyerah (Don’t give up). I dedicate my own cover version of Jangan Menyerah to them, and to all other street children of Indonesia.

Comments 2

  1. Beste Peter,

    Ik ben echt gefascineerd toen een vriend van mij jouw website aanwees. Nooit heb ik iemand gezien die zo van Indonesische muziek erg houdt. Verder denk ik dat jou Bahasa Indonesia erg goed is.

    Veel succes toegewenst!


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