Live at Jakarta International School

On april 4th I gave a live performance at Jakarta International School (JIS). The audience consisted of children attending elementary school, of various nationalities. There were teachers and other staff members as well.

The video shows the entire performance uncut. It also includes a summary of the introductory conversation with Butch Koltai, the vice-principal of the school. It was a great pleasure for me to sing at JIS. The audience clapped and sang along so nice, and the entire atmosphere was very inspiring.

I strongly support the mission of JIS about creative individuals and responsible world citizenship. That includes the respect for different cultures, including “kebudayaan Indonesia”. I was really surprised that kids from all nationalities knew the lyric of the song Balonku and sang along spontaneously.

In the video you can watch me playing and singing the following songs:

1:07 – Kisah Cintaku (Chrisye)
6:00 – 15 Miljoen Mensen (Fluitsma &van Tijn, a Dutch song)
9:41 – Desaku (Indonesian children song)
12:54 – Semua Tentang Kita (Peterpan)
17:10 – Balonku, Bangun Tidur (Indonesian children song)

The raw video footage was provided by JIS.

Some comments by the children after the show:

“He knew a lot of languages”

“Some music made you feel happy, sad, or excited”

“I wished he could do it in English but it was still cool”

“I liked how brave he was to go up”

“I thought it was relaxing and nice”

“I thought the music with the guitar was nice”

“I thought some tracks were heart-touching, make you feel nice in your heart”

“I thought the melody was smooth”

“I wish I could play the guitar”

“My mom should have been there, she plays guitar and likes music too”

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